Friday, December 11, 2009

Internet cheat jailed 9 months

Internet cheat jailed 9 months

Wow some guy got to greedy! This kind of guys deserve to go to jail i believe that money can be made easily on the internet without scamming others. anyway some of you should check out joe kumar...

he tried to scam others too

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Neobux Payment 2 $3.45

I rented 70 refs and i got $3 in 4 days. Here is the payment proof

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Paid Survey Tips

Geoffrey’s five secrets to getting paid
over $11000 from taking surveys

  1. Fill out the profile surveys
    Most of the panel sites have several profile surveys. These are generally unpaid and can be lengthy, but they are worthwhile to complete (and update as necessary). They help the panels to target their survey invitations to your specific strengths, making it more likely you will qualify to complete the surveys…and earn money.

  2. Strike early
    You will find the same answers that disqualified you on a three-day-old invitation will be accepted on a similar, just-arrived invite. Why? Because most surveys have quotas. Not racial or religious quotas (I hope!), but a given survey might have openings for 200 18-24 year-olds, 100 from 25-49 years, and 50 from 51-65. Once each quota is filled, the survey is closed to any more responders from the filled age group but remain open for all others. Bottom line, the quicker you pounce on a survey invitation (especially the more valuable ones!) the more likely you are to qualify. And by the way, you will occasionally get invitations that are already closed for your group. Bummer, but it happens.

  3. Be honest
    After you find how difficult it is to qualify for the more valuable surveys (and you only get to try once), you’ll be tempted to “fib” a little. Don’t. I’ve been tempted, and I’ve tried it (especially during my first year), but it rarely works. Why? Because you’re guessing what the surveyor wants. It may be a certain age, job, income, household, which car you own, experience, how many HDTVs or DVDs you have, or the color of your dog’s eyes. You can never tell. When the survey suddenly ends with a screen reading, “thanks but we’re looking for people with a different profile” they’ll never tell you where you went astray. When I lied I usually guessed wrong and struck out anyway. Second, you’ll find yourself forgetting what lie you told and trip yourself up. In one question you might say “I’m (ten years younger than I am ha ha clever aren’t I?),” then later give your real birth date. Oops! Now you’re both disqualified and a known liar. You can get kicked from the panel from slipping up like this too often. Last, it’s wrong. Don’t laugh. Lying on surveys has become a big problem…it’s only recently that so many surveys begin by asking you to swear you’ll be honest and take your time answering the questions. Too many liars and/or careless answerers could eventually make all survey results suspicious, therefore of no value to the sponsors, therefore there’ll be no more money for you and me.

  4. Be patient
    I get disqualified from more than half the surveys I attempt, including even the computer-related ones. It happens to us all and it will happen to you….unless perhaps you’re 24, rich, thin, beautiful, own 3 Lexus sedans, have a vacation home in Vera Cruz, and use ‘designer’ everything. But hey if that’s you, why the heck are you wasting time here? You’ll also have hot and cold streaks. Don’t know why, but I sometimes strike out steadily for a whole week then qualify for everything I try the following week…and exhaust myself! Go figure.

  5. Get some form-filling software and use it
    This is a must, unless you enjoy typing your name, address, gender, etc., over and over. Software like this is great for online shopping and other web activities where you have to enter repetitive information. My favorite is RoboForm, click here to download for free.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cashcrate payment proof

I got paid! Waited almost 1 month for the cheque to arrive from USA.

Here is the link if you want to earn money!

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